What to do when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Impacts Case Settlements:
The Benefits of an Accessibility-Focused Case Evaluation
A White Paper by Michael Fiore
One of the likely unintended consequences of the Affordable Care Act is that Special Need Trusts may be impacted due to settlement criteria that can be based on past, present, and future medical needs.
Teleseminars on Disability, Diversity, and the Changing Workforce. One hour of learning that can change the way that you think.
Tech Update: Read an article about the implications of 32-bit and 64-bit processors for Assistive Technology Solutions.
Looking for qualified candidates with disabilities?
A Job Board for job seekers with disabilities and the businesses looking to hire them.
BREAKING NEWS: Introducing The Sierra Group Certified Disability Recruiter Program.
Learn about the economics of disability and accommodation.
Welcome to Employment Incentives, a website that promotes and shares information about the economic incentives available to businesses that hire and retain employees with disabilities. This site has information on Federal and state programs and initiatives designed to promote the hiring of qualified candidates with disabilities.
The Sierra Group’s Foundation follows economic development issues around the country and captures information, forms, financial updates, and user insights, in an effort to help businesses easily search through the myriad of available information efficiently, and from a single source. The Sierra Group is a national consultancy that offers an array of vocational rehabilitation, recruiting, consulting, and training services designed to serve the needs of insurance companies, businesses, and workers with disabilities. The Sierra Group and our Foundation stand for reversing the high rate of unemployment for people with disabilities.
 The costs to develop the content on these pages and to manage and research the informational articles and materials that are presented are funded by The Sierra Group Foundation – the research and charitable Foundation of The Sierra Group, Inc.
BREAKING NEWS: INTRODUCING The Sierra Group Certified Disability Recruiter Program.
As a leading expert in the areas of disability and employment practices, The Sierra Group has developed a hands-on training suite that leads to certified disability recruiter (CDR) credentialing.
The recruitment and hiring of people with disabilities goes beyond regulatory compliance; it’s a skill and expertise essential to all businesses wanting to stay competitive. We know because we’ve advised companies for 25 years on the best methodologies, techniques and current requirements.
Classes start in January 2017 – Limited enrollment/Early Bird discounts
PSA on Assistive Technology in the Workforce
How Hiring the People with Disabilities Works for Businesses, Too
Companies are reporting numerous benefits from hiring people with disabilities, including filling positions with high turnover rates and creating a more inclusive work environment.
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) quotes Sierra Group's Janet Fiore on AT used for Employment!
New Assistive Technologies Aid Employees with Disabilities
Pre-Employment Transition Services for Students with Disabilities – P.E.T.S
Sierra Group has expanded and is NOW serving all 14 – 21 year old youth in Transition – P.E.T.S. Workforce Readiness and Self Advocacy after school classes and more!!
For more information and to register.
Please help us with our 2016 annual appeal!
Please help us continue to help drive up the rate of employment for persons with disabilities, including veterans, with your charitable tax deductible donation. For more information, go to The Sierra Group Foundation Annual Appeal.
Featured Jobs from the RecruitDisability Job Board
Search for One More Way
You will also see a Search for One More Way search tool on the pages in this site. This is a focused disability and employment search engine, powered by Google that cuts through the vast information available on the web and connects our fans, users, and partners to one another for services, for employment information, and for candidates with disabilities. Please take a moment and help build this tool by submitting an informational website that you think that others would enjoy visiting.